Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Mr. Jon Stewart and I spent our time on the way back from the Brau Haus tonight discussing our lives, the losses contained therein, and basic sadness in humanity. Our conversation reminded me of all the friendships I have lost over the years out of simple neglect, but also out of the necessity of somoene else moving/growing up.

The writer of eccliasties wrote that everythimg was "hebel" (a vanishing mist) and I feel this way so often. Everything in life is merely a vanishing mist and nothing really matters. That friendships are simply there to loose as are places. We discussed the loss Thrio's and how we will never be able to smoke pipes and drink coffee on the front porch any more, nore will we ever be able to gather in arkadelphia like we did.

Life continues on, pushing us to cope and more on with it. However there are times, places and people who beg not to be moved on from and as us to keep them as long as possible.

hebel, hebel all is hebel...



Blogger The Horns and the Hawk said...

hey, good to see that you're back. i was hoping to get a chance to enjoy your blog.

6:39 PM  
Blogger The Horns and the Hawk said...

this is no one you know. i found your blog because my friends and i started a podcast called "pipes and pints." we wanted to start a blog for it, but lo and behold, that title is taken.

strangely enough, it seems as though the ideology of your blog and our podcast lines up. though i think our 'cast is far more crass and irreverent than your blog. either way, i am struck with similarities.

2:12 PM  
Blogger Steph said...

Hayne, I have missed you, dear friend...and am so glad to have found your blog. More glad about your engagement to Nicole, though, brother! =) Had the privilege of having her in my voice studio. Don't know her extremely well, but I know she is beautiful, godly, and loves you. So I am more than happy for you. =) You KNOW you are more than welcome to come stay with me in Prague, right? K. Good. =) I'd love for you to make it out this way while I am still living here. You'd love it. The churches, the history...the birth of the reformation right here in my city! ...sorry I get a little excited. =) Anyway, just know I am lifting you and Nicole up, and that your friendship over the past few years has been a blessing. Keep me posted.

8:10 AM  

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